- 阿根廷總統卡洛斯‧梅奈(Carlos Menem)為了捍衛該國最重要的出口品—探戈音樂,而如是說。他堅持探戈音樂並不如許多人所說的感傷(sad),而是快樂(happy)。「這種音樂是全阿根廷的表徵」梅奈在一個追思三位已逝探戈巨星的紀念會上如此表示:「這個國家有太多偉大的探戈歌手、作曲家與作家」。梅奈一直都是探戈音樂與舞蹈的迷,而且也是這三位歌手的的好友。
- Tango is happiness, says Argentine president Argentine President Carlos Menem has come to the defense of his country's most famous export, tango music. He insists that tango music is not sad, as many people say, but happy. "The music really represents all Argentines," Menem said at a ceremony honoring the memory of three deceased stars of the music. "This country has had great tango singers, composers, and writers." Menem has always been a fan of tango music and dance and was also close friends with the three singers (who were) remembered at the ceremony.
- (資料譯自Student Post, 8/15-21, 1999 Issue#625)
星期四, 9月 29, 2005
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