EMI 推出「世界檔案」之《探戈的故事》
EMI 推出「天涯故事系列 」之「世界檔案」,收錄世界各地的民族音樂,全部均以中價版發行。這一系列的錄音由EMI旗下之Hemisphere(半球體)品牌發行,自然是取其與「世界音樂」(World Music)有關之意。系列中包含了佛萊明歌、探戈等音樂類型。
其中包含了三張的探戈音樂專輯,分別為系列之第八集《激情熱愛:探戈的故事》、第九集之《更多激情熱愛:探戈的故事II 》, 以及「新探戈之始祖」皮雅左拉的《Luna》專輯。其中兩集《探戈的故事》此刻正在玫瑰唱片以特價推出,只要248元即可擁有,值得大膽買進。
這三張專輯中以《激情熱愛:探戈的故事》最值得購買,因為它除了選錄的音樂好聽之外;探戈音樂的國歌—La Cumparsita也有收錄,而且所有樂曲、演唱者與演出者都附有英文介紹,由於多了這份參考資料,對於愛好者確實是很好的入門之鑰。而第二集的曲目雖然悅耳,但欠缺最基本的演出者與樂曲簡介,僅列出曲名、作曲者、演出者與錄音時間長度與年份,對於想要深入了解的人實在不方便,而且錄音長度只有39分鐘,購買錢得慎重考慮一下。而上述兩張精選集均沒有收錄皮雅左拉的演奏,殊為可惜。而皮雅左拉的《Luna》由於並非他的精選集,也非其個人最佳專輯,因此僅在此推薦給熱愛他的進階樂迷。
"Popular music that wildly stirs the emotions and yet ultimately grasp at something forever out of reach. This wonderfully priced introduction is the absolute Who's Who of all the names and the classics. Listen, learn the titles, place them with the tunes and you'll have the necessary vocabulary to talk convincingly about classic tango for hours, and have acquired the passion of it on the way. For those who've ever evangelized the genre, it's that ready-made compilation tape of original recordings it took you so long to compile." Gramophone, UK
In many of these exciting arrangements you can hear experimentation by many of the virtuoso instrumentalists involved in the rich tradition of these orchestras." Classic CD, UK
「四顆星,在專輯中許多令人興奮的編排中,你可以聽到諸多傑出的器樂演奏家在這些樂團豐富的傳統裡所作的實驗。」——英國,Classic CD 雜誌
"In creating his sophisticated elaboration of the Argentinian tango, Piazzolla drew inspiration from Duke Ellington. His mastery of the bandoneon, a huge, concertina-like instrument, allowed him to draw complicated orchestral effects from his five-piece band. This, his last recording, made a year before his death in 1992, contains the most adventurous and abstract music he played." The Observer, UK
「在他精心創作的阿根廷探戈中,皮雅左拉由艾靈頓公爵獲得靈感。他所擅長的手風琴,巨大,猶如concertina(另一種手風琴)的樂器,讓他與其他五名團員能夠完成複雜的管弦樂效果。這是,他最後的錄音,完成於1992年其逝世前一年,收納了他最具探索精神與抽象的音樂。」——英國,The Observer
"Indispensable." Mojo, UK 「不可或缺的。」——英國,搖滾音樂雜誌Mojo